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The Ethics of using Essay Writing Services for Academic Assignments

Essay writing services are an increasingly popular way for students to obtain assistance with their academic writing assignments. In recent years, there has been much debate over the ethical implications of using these services. On one hand, some argue that they provide a legitimate alternative for those students who are struggling with the English language and thus, help them reach their academic goals. On the other hand, others point out the potential for plagiarism, cheating and academic dishonesty associated with these services. This essay will explore the key arguments behind both sides of the debate and ultimately, provide an evaluation of the ethical considerations associated with using essay writing services.

Arguments For the Ethical Use of Essay Writing Services

The use of essay writing services has become an increasingly popular way for students to obtain assistance with their academic writing assignments. One of the major advantages of using these services is the ease and convenience that is associated with it. With the internet, it's much simpler to find reliable and qualified professionals who can handle any writing task. Moreover, the cost of these services is usually much lower than doing the work yourself, saving you both time and money. Additionally, the quality of work provided by these professionals is typically much higher than what an amateur could provide, giving you a better end result. If you are looking for the best writing services, it is recommended to read reviews (e.g. Essay Hub review) on Academic Help in order to make a complete decision. With this website, you can find out which services offer the highest quality of work and the best prices, providing you with an easy way to find the perfect essay writing service for your needs.

Arguments Against the Ethical Use of Essay Writing Services

Cheating is one of the most damaging academic practices as it not only undermines the hard work and dedication of genuine students, but it can lead to inferior quality work which fails to demonstrate true understanding of the subject. Cheating robs students of their hard-earned effort and can lead to a lack of originality in their work as they are not required to exercise the creativity often demanded by academically rigorous assignments. Furthermore, plagiarism which is often a result of cheating could cause serious repercussions for students, ranging from failed grades to possible expulsion from the University. Therefore, the use of essay writing services can be dangerous, as it can encourage students to take shortcuts instead of demonstrating understanding, knowledge and effort in their work.

Further Considerations

The University has established policies and standards to ensure that all members of the University community adhere to the highest levels of conduct and academic integrity. These policies include respect for others and open communication and are necessary for the successful operation of the University. Everyone, including students, faculty, and staff, must uphold these standards and expectations of the University to ensure fairness for all and to meet the highest professional and academic standards. Assignments and tasks must be completed in an honest and ethical manner, and any attempt to plagiarize or cheat will not be tolerated. All members of the University are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the institution and should ensure their own academic success by embracing the principles of academic excellence and integrity.


In conclusion, essay writing services have become an essential part of the education system, providing students with an efficient and convenient way to access quality writing assistance. These services save students time and offer greater opportunities to achieve academic success, as the quality of work provided by professionals is usually much higher than what an amateur could provide. However, the potential for plagiarism and cheating associated with these services is undeniable. It is essential, then, that if these services are to remain viable, they must provide high-quality work and remain committed to academic integrity. All members of the University community should also strive to uphold the highest standards of conduct, as this is essential to ensure fairness and success for all. Ultimately, essay writing services can play a beneficial role in the educational process, as long as the right measures are taken to ensure the integrity of the work produced.